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December 26 – The Phoenix newspaper
The Phoenix newspaper
December 26 – Presse agence
Presse agence
December 26 – Jazz News
Jazz news
December 22 – La poupée de Machiavel
The artist, native from Brittany, offers a subtle blend of colors and captivating textures from Parisian studio, marked by a wonderful technical mastery, unique sensitivity, and an expression full of freedom.
In this new composition, we can distinguish soft and evocative sounds influenced by classical elements, with French impressionism harmonies firmly intertwined and surrounded by African djembes and percussions from the Middle East.
A refined and delicate painting infused with impressionism, mixed with the sound and riffs of acoustic and electric guitars, perpetually accompanied by a machiavelian rock drum set and African and Middle Eastern ethnic percussions.
Maëla offers a real demonstration of freedom, peace, and virtuosity with two long improvisations on the piano and the clarinet, creating an enchanting sound framed by a storm of percussive rhythms. These diverse influences blend to create a unique and eclectic atmosphere, offering the listener a journey to distant and mysterious lands. Her virtuoso playing, total freedom of expression, and the harmonious fusion of these different elements make her improvisations a unique and captivating auditory experience.
The apex of subtlety, a soft and tender ambiance where colors and intimate phrases intertwine, eternally surrounded by proud and dancing guitars, sharp percussions melt with melancholic and fascinating chords. Discover today “La poupée de Machiavel,” available on all digital platforms.
October 20 – Saharan Storm
Native from Brittany, the artist takes us on a captivating and innovative musical odyssey, seamlessly weaving together diverse cultural influences into a harmonious universe.
This new single offers a magical and fascinating fusion and creates a vibrant and unique musical immersion, including oriental colors magnificently and sensitively played on the clarinet, impressionism- inspired piano tones and harmonies, lyrical and whirling improvisations on both the clarinet and the piano, constantly surrounded by the timbre of African and Iranian percussions, as well as rhythms from the Middle East. “Saharan Storm” not only demonstrates the artist’s mastery of the clarinet and other instruments but also highlights her ability to blend traditional and contemporary influences seamlessly.
Listen now to Saharan Storm on your favorite digital platforms and let the enchanting melodies transport you to a world where cultures converge and music knows no boundaries.
July 27 – The Hen House
New album by Maëla Raoult is available on all digital platforms. The artist, native from Brittany, takes us on a captivating journey and makes us dream with these unique orchestral colors, infused and led by an expression full of freedom.
Les Valets de Valérie offers an awesome and creative ambiance, suave, fanciful and languid, accompanied by an unbridled and wild rhythmic; a clairvoyant and perspicacious melody, accompanied by subtle strings, led by an obsessive and proudly dancing rhythmic in Lisa’s dream. The Hen House delivers a demonstration of freedom with a long improvisation eternally framed by spicy and biting percussions and bells. In Nick & Raff’s, obsessive percussions are accompanied by a pizzicato ostinato on the strings driven by a perilous and risky improvisation on the piano. A moment of peace and awesome passion led by a lyrical clarinet melody in The Gracious Words. Finally, Les ménestrels concludes this new breathtaking and flamboyant album.
A tender and soft ambiance where intimist colors and improvisations interweave, eternally surrounded by poignant percussions and melancholy strings, listen now to The Hen House, new album composed, interpreted and produced by Maëla Raoult, available on all digital platforms and on August 18th in your music store.
The Hen House
June 09 – Les Ménestrels
April 19 – The precious impressions, new single
The precious impressions, new single written, interpreted and produced by Maëla Raoult is out now on all digital platforms.
The precious impressions |
April 15 – New scores available on Sheet Music Direct and Score exchange
March 20 – Le clan des Narcisses
New single, Le clan des Narcisses is now available on all digital platforms
February 27 – Azkaban Records
Azkaban Records, mixing & mastering.
February 23 – Yorkcalling
“Maëla Raoult is a Paris, France-based jazz clarinettist who has just caught my attention thanks to her wonderfully fresh and vibrant new album Hypokrat.
By Graeme Smith
I must confess, I’m not always a fan of jazz but when the right record in the genre comes along, I find it irresistible. That’s exactly what Hypokrat is – twelve tracks of classical-meets-roots compositions, with influences from all around the world from the far east to urban USA.
Its journey starts with its title track, a lively introduction created through percussion and Maëla’s exquisitely expressive playing. I couldn’t help but fall into its exotic groove and be surprised by its improvisations.”…
February 17 – Goodmusicradar
“Maëla Raoult is a French clarinetist with a mastery in musical improvisation. She explores her love, passion, and education in jazz music using chamber music ensembles that are intimate in their composition, with subtle expression and refined musical ideas. In her new album, Hypokrat, Maëla Raoult fortifies this classical style with rich emotion and sophisticated euphony design. In addition to being an independent artist, she is also chamber music player, teacher, bandleader, and composer – The Creator of The French Touch Collection.
With dominant African-style percussion and Arabian motifs, the track is delectable with warm tones and sultry pulses. The album comprises seven tracks out of which five are original tracks and two are the artist’s interpretations of well-known standards.
The album opens with the title track, a layered clarinet bonanza that is sprinkled with fluttering beats. The softness of the melodies and the quivering waves of improv are a delight to listen to. We’re induced into a hypnotic mystique, alight with a golden hue.”…
February 15 – Indiedockmusicblog
Maëla Raoult is a master of the clarinet and she perfectly embodies her musical ideas in brilliant improvisations and fabulous melodies. Her music combines African beats with Eastern motifs and classic jazz school.
The album ‘Hypokrat’ is kind of experimental as it embraces such distinct styles in equal measure. Maëla Raoult intuitively creates amazing music that makes everyone relax and immerse themselves in the colorful world of her creativity.
Listen to the album ‘Hypokrat’ from Maëla Raoult on Spotify below and discover the work of this talented expressive artist.”
February 13 – Sinusoidal Music
“The art of serenading through the lucid dreaming of music. It is miraculous, almost astounding what the human mind can think of. With Hypokrat, Maëla Raoult is bringing her own swing to this kind of music. Often described as chamber, there is a depth to it which can’t be defined, yet does not stray much. Let’s have a look at what her latest album has.
Restraining to the groove then moving to tell a story is her way of creating this kind of music. With the title track, she shows her compositional movement in Parisian Jazz. It has a textural quality that is reflective of the place and time, and all the more entertaining. Warm and inviting, it also does the necessary dance with the senses to keep complexity.
Who Walks in When I Walk Out is a juxtaposition of a contemporary jazz form with this genre she loves so much. The arrangement is as exciting as it is exploratory. Using the entirety of her knowledge and experience, she creates these compositions that paint a pretty picture. There is plenty of drama in the sound and how the song is experienced in itself.”…
February 10 – Mc Kinney Music
“For this new album, Maela creates a soothing and vibrant atmosphere by blending African rhythms with jazz and oriental tones, as well as the warm clarinet and bass clarinet sounds. Maëla guides us through and reveals the arrangement of two fantastic standards in addition to five original and personal compositions.
For this new album, Hypokrat, the Brittany-born artist has created a fiery palette of southern hues and African percussion. Harmonies and influences from classical music, along with some impressionist touches; magical and contemporary improvisations on the clarinet and bass clarinet, orchestrated and mixed with the sounds of guitar, piano, bass, and percussion; a riot of oriental hues, jazz influences, and rock and hip hop hints.”
October 22 – The Table Read Magazine – Interview
Clarinet player Maëla Raoult talks about her love of jazz music, her latest track, Over The Rainbow, and her advice to inspire other musicians.
September 1 – The Table Read Magazine – Interview
On The Table Read, “the best arts magazine in the UK“, jazz musician Maëla Raoult talks about her music career and her latest release, Over The Rainbow.
“I interviewed Maëla Raoult about her life and career, what inspires her music, and the work that went into her latest single, Over The Rainbow.
Tell me a bit about who you are.
I’m Maëla. I’m a French clarinetist. I’m from Brest, in Brittany. I started playing music when I was a child. I settled in Paris when I was 18. I studied classical music in Paris and Brussels. I’m a professional musician for 10 years. I played in many orchestras, chamber music groups, contemporary and jazz ensembles. I play the clarinet and the bass clarinet. I’m a specialist of chamber music and contemporary music but I can also improvise in jazz and all styles of music.
When did you first WANT to write music?
Writing music came to me very late. My first job is to be a performer. I play classical music, contemporary music and jazz. I had writing lessons in Brest when I was 15 and then harmony lessons in Paris and Bruxelles.
Writing jazz came to me very late because my level of exigence is quite high. I tried and tried again finding everything imperfect. I think you have an interior journey to do, finding who you are before beginning to write something meaningful.”

August 11 – The Reader’s House Magazine – Interview & Award of Excellence
Have a look to this awesome interview of Maëla in The Reader’s House Magazine
“How did you first get into music?
I had health problems as a child (rheumatisms). I couldn’t do sport very often and was slowed by pains and cramps.
So my mother proposed me to play an instrument. I started in the town where I was born : Saint Renan in Brittany. I played music in the bands of every surrounding villages.
Music was also important to my godfather. He was a renowned English teacher in Brest. He arrived in France at 20 after theological studies. He lived in Tulles before settling to Brest. His mother was a famous singer in Northern Ireland.
Then I went to the conservatory in Brest. Music was a passion for me. I had the chance to begin to play in professional orchestras with my teachers at 14.
I was good at school, particularly in sciences. I preferred literature but it was too complicated for me. The passion for people, the desire to discover new musical styles, and new cities were bigger. I was good at my instrument and I wanted to play in a classical orchestra as a professional.
I left Brest in 2008 to study and enhance my technical skills and musical culture at the Paris conservatory. I also spent two years in Brussels.
Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?
I don’t know where I will be in 10 years. I’m more concerned about the present.
I spent few years teaching and playing in Paris. I’d like to leave now. I’d like to travel and see other countries. I’m a concertist. I’m first of all a classical chamber music player and a contemporary music specialist. I’d like to meet new people, collaborate with new orchestras and ensembles.
Other styles of music are also important to me. I like to improvise in all styles of music. From swing and be bop to world and pop music.
I compose sometimes and have many songs for jazz quartet or quintet ready to record but my first job is to be a performer. That’s the reason why I wanted to become a musician.
Pedagogy is also very important to me. I’ve written, arranged and transcribed 3 books for young clarinet players. It’s a collection named The French Touch’ Collection. I also like to give masterclasses and work with young students.
What would you say is your greatest strength as an artist?
I think it is to be connected to the present and open-minded. Today you have to be connected to other branches of work. You have to develop your technical and mental skills and have a minimum of competences and knowledges in every domain. You have to give your best everyday.”
Interview available here
and Magazine available in your favorite bookstore
August 2 – Stephane Larue
Over the Rainbow : Stéphane Larue
August 1 – Over the Rainbow : Bernieshoot
La clarinettiste française, originaire de Bretagne, nous offre une interprétation éclectique et moderne du légendaire standard de jazz.
Après un premier album, Avalon entièrement dévoué au jazz et un second, Reflections patiemment dédié à la musique contemporaine, l’artiste authentique, aux multiples facettes et diverses influences, de retour en studio Parisien, nous enchante et nous charme avec un arrangement magique et moderne de l’incontournable standard Over the rainbow.
Une inébranlable et chaleureuse sonorité classique, mêlée à une improvisation aux influences Bebop et prépondérances latines dont elle est pionnière ; un émerveillement de couleurs vives, expressives et libres liées à un brin de nostalgie ; un jeu rythmique captivant et une maîtrise instrumentale redoutable à la clarinette tout autant qu’à la clarinette basse. Avec Maëla, le jazz est repensé, déridé, décomplexé, illuminé.
Over the rainbow est une chanson composée par Harold Arlen suivant les paroles de Edgar Yipsel Harburg qui incarne l’espoir et le rêve d’un monde prospère et joyeux rempli d’amour et de paix. C’est la célèbre actrice Judy Garland qui l’a interprétée dans le film légendaire, le magicien d’Oz.
Les codes sont remis au goût du jour et les traditions suprêmes sont inévitablement bouleversées avec ce nouveau single, digne du 21è siècle.”
June 11 – Thank you Tinnitist for this kind sharing of Reflections
June 10 – Illustrate Magazine
June 9 – The other side reviews – Avalon
“If you are looking for an instrumental EP that is packed with beautiful music, passion, personality and dramatic flair, you are definitely in the right place. This is some of what Maëla Raoult has to offer with her EP Avalon. Across the six instrumental tracks, she brings a flair of Parisian jazz to classical tones, with a relaxed sprinkling of acoustic, yet cinematic, vibes.
Drawing on her own curiosity about all musical worlds, she throws a study of improvisation into a sound that is packed full of personality. Using skills she has honed since obtaining her Musical School Diploma at the Music Academy of Brest, she merges contemporary arrangements with the timelessness of the classics. She is not only curious about all types of music, but she is also passionate about chamber music and has perfected it at many events and festivals, showcasing her skills.”
Mai 29 : Atmosfera imagética e virtuosismo na interpretaçao de Debussy de Maëla Raoult
“Em uma brilhante interpretação da peça Minstrels de Claude Debussy, a francesa Maëla Raoult demonstra toda a sua técnica como arranjadora e produtora.
Tocando apenas clarinete, Maëla consegue dar nova vida a uma peça feita para piano durante a primeira década de 1900.
E não é para menos, pois Maëla explora do clássico ao contemporâneo em seu currículo, além de ter grande paixão pelo jazz e pela música de câmara. Sua experiência abrangente é material para os arranjos que vemos na vídeo interpretação de Minstrels.
Seus dedos se movem facilmente pelo clarinete demonstrando todo o virtuosismo e agilidade de quem, praticamente, tem o instrumento como parte de si.
A obra é do também francês Claude Debussy, conhecido por transportar o impressionismo da arte e o simbolismo da poesia para a música sendo extremamente inovador.
Afinal, em uma década em que as obras para piano eram extremamente rígidas, repetitivas e cadenciadas, Debussy conseguiu dar ares mais melódicos e etéreos, que buscavam retratar imagens. Daí a sua relação com a arte impressionista.
A ideia abstrata se materializa quando imaginamos os sons como ambientes. Pense em um filme mudo ou animações antigas (como as da Disney, por exemplo) que eram “narradas” apenas pela música clássica. É como se a música preenchesse o espaço das falas e fosse parte do ambiente. Assim, conseguimos fazer uma ligação entre a imagem e a sonoridade, não mais sendo possível dissociá-las.
Assim como Debussy, Maëla Raoult consegue nos passar essa atmosfera com seu clarinete. As notas rápidas e ágeis não só reproduzem a peça, mas dão um clima de fantasia e preenchimento de espaços. E, no vídeo, ela apenas aparece num mesmo plano tocando em pé.”
Mai 29, 2022 – Info Music – Une petite dose de “Minstrels” version Maëla Raoult pour habiller votre journée 
“Ce matin nous avons décidé de vous accompagner tout en douceur, sans vous bousculer, grâce à une parenthèse musicale qui ne manquera pas de vous séduire. En effet, même si nous relayons principalement des artistes de musiques actuelles, vous avez sûrement remarqué le plaisir que nous avons à apprendre, découvrir de nouveaux genres. C’est également le cas avec Maëla Raoult qui nous livre sa version de “Minstrels” (Claude Debussy ).
Comme un beau moment de respiration, cette parenthèse musicale ne vous laisse pas le choix, elle cous happe, vous captive et le temps de quelques minutes vous sort de l’instant. Une matinée où le soleil n’est pas au rendez-vous, le ciel se revêt de son plus beau gris, chiller avec une “Minstrels” en fond est une bonne idée, une expérience que nous vous recommandons d’ailleurs.
La reprise de Maëla Raoult s’impose comme une belle surprise, le genre qui couvre votre visage d’un grand sourire tant la chanson est agréable, réussie. Vous avez tout de suite envie de découvrir encore plus en profondeur le catalogue musical d’une artiste qui fait une excellente entrée dans notre rubrique musicale.”
Une petite dose de Minstrel pour habiller votre journée
Mai 21, 2022 – MUSICARENAGH – Maëla Raoult – Minstrels
Maela Raoult reveals more about her latest single Minstrels and her music career
Mai 5, 2022 – Avalon – EP – Press release
Mai 1, 2022 – TJPLNEWS – Maëla Raoult – Avalon
“Maëla Raoult’s EP named ‘Avalon’ opens with the track ‘Beautiful Love’ – a track that hits you with a smooth jazz-inspired composition that whisks you into an interesting space when paired with the deepness of the clarinet instrumentalisation that accompanies it. I like the difference in octaves in this piece, they give several dimensions to the mix. ‘Avalon’ brings a similar vibe through the way that the instruments combine soft and harsh tones. The track progresses with a cacophonous feel through the staccato notation given by the brass instruments used in this production. Track 3 ‘Sing Sing Sing’ brings the classic New-Orleans culture to our ears in this amazing interpretation. ‘Have you Met Miss Jones’ is a smooth swinging blues interpretation of the original popular song that was written for the musical comedy ‘I’d Rather Be Right’. The music was written by Richard Rodgers and the lyrics by Lorenz Hart and published in 1937. This interpretation is completely instrumental and varies from the version found in artists such as Frank Sinatra whilst keeping to the overall energy that the previous versions have showcased. ‘Oleo’ offers a distinctive bass hook which is enhanced by the choppiness of the clarinet. Many scale transitions are found in this track that offers the rising and falling of its overall sound. The original composition of “Oleo” by Sonny Rollins, was written in 1954. Since then it has become a jazz standard and has been played by numerous jazz artists, including Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and Bill Evans. Concluding this EP with ‘The Blue Room’ a really relaxing composition. “Blue Room” was originally a show tune from the 1926 Rodgers and Hart musical The Girl Friend, where it was introduced by Eva Puck and Sammy White. This musician is highly skillful in her craft, her experience and musical achievements reflect in her compositions. This artist offers something that I wouldn’t usually listen to which has in turn resulted in me learning more musical knowledge! This an artist who deserves to be praised for her achievements, persistence, and skill. This is a great project that remains consistent throughout.”
Mai, 2022 – Blog Review
Maëla is Spreading Her Musical Aura with The Song ‘Minstrels’
Mai 1, 2022 – The French Touch’ Collection
Communiqué de presse – The French Touch’ Collection
April 29, 2022 – The French Touch’ Collection
Press release : The French Touch’ Collection